Explore. Sense. Cope.


Learn how to use your body’s senses to help you self-soothe and cope with your emotions!


Combining psychology and neuroscience, the PsyNeu Box adds a psychoeducational twist to traditional sensory boxes. Our PsyNeu Box provides a unique mix of local, handmade items and therapeutic favourites for practical coping skills.


Unbox with PsyNeu!

  • Discover 5-7 unique, handmade local and international items that provide different types of needed sensory stimulation.
  • Expertly curated to help relieve distress, promote relaxation and self-regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors!
  • Personalised ‘Mood Toolkit’ to help identify your sensory preferences (i.e. what’s calming, grounding, alerting).


Why PsyNeu Box?

Evidenced based. Our psychoeducational, sensory informed boxes are curated by a chartered psychologist and neuroscientist.


You’re in charge. Our boxes help you to identify sensory inputs and coping ideas to assist in coping with triggers.


Quick and Flexible. Like our emotions, our coping skills are ever changing! The PsyNeu Box provides a variety of ways to cope that is quick and does not require too much effort. Unbox new, unique items every season!


Beneficial. Our PsyNeu Boxes are therapeutic and fun! Learn how to effectively manage stress, anxiety, panic, low mood, symptoms autism and ADHD (and more) while improving emotional vocabulary, focus, self-awareness,  resilience, esteem, emotion regulation and overall wellbeing!


How to Order?

No monthly commitment, no reoccurring payments! We want you to use and enjoy our PsyNeu Boxes without any commitment hassle. Our PsyNeu Boxes are available seasonally (every three months) but thanks to our 'pre order' feature, you don't have to wait to enjoy, or gift, your next box!


Seasonal Pre-Order Dates:

15th of February (Spring)

15th of May (Summer)

15th of August (Fall)

15th of November (Winter)


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